pub trait GillespieEventSampler<M: MathsCore, H: Habitat<M>, G: RngCore<M>, S: LineageStore<M, H>, X: EmigrationExit<M, H, G, S>, D: DispersalSampler<M, H, G>, C: CoalescenceSampler<M, H, S>, T: TurnoverRate<M, H>, N: SpeciationProbability<M, H>>: EventSampler<M, H, G, S, X, D, C, T, N> {
    // Provided method
    fn get_event_rate_at_location(
        location: &Location,
        habitat: &H,
        lineage_store: &S,
        dispersal_sampler: &D,
        coalescence_sampler: &C,
        turnover_rate: &T,
        speciation_probability: &N
    ) -> NonNegativeF64 { ... }

Provided Methods§


fn get_event_rate_at_location( &self, location: &Location, habitat: &H, lineage_store: &S, dispersal_sampler: &D, coalescence_sampler: &C, turnover_rate: &T, speciation_probability: &N ) -> NonNegativeF64

Pre: all lineages must be active in the lineage store

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<M: MathsCore, H: Habitat<M>, G: RngCore<M>, S: GloballyCoherentLineageStore<M, H>, X: EmigrationExit<M, H, G, S>, D: DispersalSampler<M, H, G>, C: CoalescenceSampler<M, H, S>, T: TurnoverRate<M, H>, N: SpeciationProbability<M, H>> GillespieEventSampler<M, H, G, S, X, D, C, T, N> for UnconditionalGillespieEventSampler<M, H, G, S, X, D, C, T, N>


impl<M: MathsCore, H: Habitat<M>, G: RngCore<M>, S: GloballyCoherentLineageStore<M, H>, X: EmigrationExit<M, H, G, S>, D: SeparableDispersalSampler<M, H, G>, T: TurnoverRate<M, H>, N: SpeciationProbability<M, H>> GillespieEventSampler<M, H, G, S, X, D, ConditionalCoalescenceSampler<M, H, S>, T, N> for ConditionalGillespieEventSampler<M, H, G, S, X, D, T, N>